Make-A-Difference is a team of 3 students that are working together to spread important information on abortions rights while also supporting the Pro-Choice abortion movement. We want our audience to understand what the movement we are fighting for is about and support the cause we are fighting for.
Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy. The topic of abortion is controversial because each side feels strongly about their opinion. The current movement comes from people that believe in pro-life which is the belief that whether a woman chooses to get an abortion or not should be her choice because it is her body. This movement was started because there are states that have or attempted to make getting abortions illegal.
Based on the mp on the right, the majority of states go against abortions and showmore hostility towards the issue, with some only allowing it if a mothers life is at risk and others restricting completely. Although theres fewer supportive states, these states are ones that have very big, high populated cities such as New York and California which could bring an explanation as to why the state majority support them. If new laws are passed updates will be made to the map as we keep a live tracker on their current situations.
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